Services & Fares
European Plan
May-July & September
123,00$ / pers.
119,00$ / pers.
Child under 15 year old: no charge
Lodging in Cabin
meals not included
Arrival: 16:00 pm; Departure: 11:00 am
Fishing Rights included
American Plan
May-July & September
159,00$ / pers.
143.00$ / pers.
Child 0-6 ans: no charge; 6-12 ans: 50%
Lodging in Cabin
meals at Main Lodge
Arrival: 16:00 pm; Departure: 11:00 am
Fishing Rights included
Family Vacations
(Family: 2 adults & 2 children)
July et August
7 Days 1025$
6 Days 950$
5 Days 825$
425$ / 2 Stays / 2 Adults or Family
Lodging in Cabin European Plan
(Meals not included)
Arrival: 16:00 pm; Departure: 11:00 am
Fishing Rights included
Additional Adult: 35.00$/ pers/ night
(Fishing Rights not included for additional person(s))
Child under 15 year old: no charge in European Plan
84$ / pers.
Child 0-6 ans: no charge; 6-12 ans: 50%
Fishing Rights
2 touladis, 10 speckled trouts/day
15 speckled trouts in possesion
(minimum 2 stays)
boat with oars included
electric motor & gasoline motor (2HP) are allowed
(Rental gasoline motor (2HP) + gasoline service available on site)
Lodging in Club House
All Seasons
Snowmobile in Winter
With Breakfast service
Hunting Fares
Daily/Hunting Group
– Moose
– Deer
– Hare
– Ruffed Grouse
All Seasons
Events, Groups
Reception room,
Wedding, Union,
Office Party
All Seasons requests
For any additional service informations, Contact Us
Depot 40% not refundable
VISA, Master Card accepted
G.S.T. & Q.S.T Extra
Fares change without notice